However, this is the reality for a group of aging fishermen across the Maritimes who are unable to transfer their fishing licence and retire. Many have deteriorating health and continue to work despite the risks.
They do it to put food on the table, pay for medications, and take care of their loved ones.

In 1976, Fisheries and Oceans
Canada (DFO) created a “moonlighter policy” which was aimed at removing people from the fishery as a conservation method.
The result, however, is that it unfairly targeted fishermen who held other jobs or professions almost 50 years ago. DFO deemed fishing was not their primary source of income and they became the “Category B lobster fishermen."

Today, for the 70-80 Category B lobster fishermen remaining, the burden of these limitations is still being felt. Now well into their 80’s, these fishermen have no option but to continue to fish to provide for their families.
Given the age of this group, there is a sense of urgency with this issue. When these fishermen pass, the licence, and any fair compensation to their families, is permanently lost.
Take Action NowTogether, with your support, we can create a fair and just policy change for Category B lobster licence holders.

We can’t do this alone
- we need your help!
Contact your Member of Parliament to show support for Category B lobster licence holders. We need a commonsense policy that allows these elderly fishermen to sell their licence so they can stop fishing and still support their loved ones.